?The East African Business Council undertook an industrial tour to Mukwano Industries to get in-depth information on challenges and policy proposals to boost production capacities and market access in a bid to boost intra-EAC trade.EABC held discussions with Tony Gadhoke, CEO of Mukwano Industries and Rwabwogo Businge. General Manager Operations, Mukwano Industries. The areas highlighted to boost industrial productivity and market access include:-

◾Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers
◾Elimination of Stay of Applications
◾Adherence to the EAC Comprehensive Common External Tariff – 4th band
◾Revision of EAC Rules of Origin on Edible Oil
Implementation of a Regional Wide Duty Remission Scheme

The policy proposals will be included in the EABC Annual Policy Advocacy agenda which is submitted to the EAC Council of Ministers for consideration and adoption.

This industrial tour to cement, edible oil and sugar factories is organized under the EABC-TMEA Public‐Private Sector Dialogue (PPD) Project for increased Trade and Investment in the EAC.