President Lauds Mukwano for Creating Jobs in Lira
His Excellence President Yoweri Museveni has lauded Mukwano Group of Companies for the huge investment in Lira which has created jobs.
The President commended Mukwano after touring AK Oils and Fats, a member of the Mukwano Group of Companies, in Lira on Thursday.

His Excellence President Yoweri Museveni has lauded Mukwano Group of Companies for the huge investment in Lira which has created jobs.
The President commended Mukwano after touring AK Oils and Fats, a member of the Mukwano Group of Companies, in Lira on Thursday.

He observed that Mukwano employs Ugandans who would have otherwise looked to Government for jobs.
Mukwano has, through a partnership, also indirectly created jobs for 72,000 rural smallholder farmers in Lango sub-region. The farmers are provided with affordable seeds, farm inputs and technical know-how.
The partnership’s resounding success is demonstrated by the 400% increase in oil seed production.

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Mukwano Industries Uganda Ltd
Plot 30 Mukwano Road,
P.O. Box. 2671, Kampala - Uganda